Care worker Maria’s inspiring journey to the Falkland Islands

In this interview, we had the pleasure of speaking with Maria Seivaag, a nurse from Norway who embraced the unique opportunity to work on the Falkland Islands. Here, she shares her incredible experiences of life in this remote part of the world — from the breathtaking landscapes and vibrant wildlife to the warmth of the local community.

Why did you choose to work with Dedicare?

I came across the ad on Instagram where you were looking for healthcare workers for the Falkland Islands. When I looked up Dedicare, I found many positive articles, including information about the awards you’ve won as one of the best companies in Europe, as well as great comments from people who had worked with Dedicare. This made me choose to apply for a job with you.

How has your experience of working with Dedicare been?

It has been nothing but a great collaboration from the very beginning. Excellent contacts and well-organized arrangements.

What is appealing about the Falklands?

As one of the world’s last outposts, with fascinating nature and wilderness, it’s a unique opportunity to get involved in a small community at the southern tip of the Atlantic Ocean.

Did you enjoy your job and life on the Falklands?

Yes, I really enjoyed the job. I was warmly welcomed by colleagues, patients, clients, relatives, and people in general. Life on the Falklands was good, but you need to be prepared to be far away from family and friends, as internet connection and communication options are limited.

How did you travel there, and how was the journey?

I traveled with an airbridge from a military base in England down to Mount Pleasant on the Falkland Islands. An 18-hour flight went surprisingly smoothly and well. Dedicare ensures transportation all the way, from your home to your new place on the Falklands. Very reassuring, and it made the whole journey a pleasant experience.

Was it easy to make friends on the island?

Yes, it’s a friendly community, and it’s easy to find someone to talk to as long as you’re open to meeting new people. There are plenty of leisure activities, groups, and associations on the island. People are helpful, and colleagues are welcoming, which makes everyday life easy.

What did you do on the island when you were off work?

I’ve taken many walks in the nearby areas of Stanley. The beach, with its silky smooth sand and various penguin colonies, dolphins, and wildlife, is just a stone’s throw from home. They have a small but efficient and affordable gym and swimming pool with a sauna, which I used frequently. Stanley has a surprising number of dining options, despite the small population, and it was a nice way to meet both colleagues and locals.

How did you live?

I lived in a new, nicely built semi-detached house that I shared with a colleague. All facilities were available, with a private bathroom and bedroom, which was a positive for having some personal space when needed.

What has been the best part of this experience?

Getting to know a new community and work culture, which puts things into perspective compared to what we are used to in Norway. Care and nursing are the same no matter where in the world you go, but the different cultures are interesting to be part of for a period. You also get to polish your English and feel a sense of accomplishment from daring to go to the other side of the world to practice your profession and gain new experiences.

Would you choose to work with Dedicare again?

Yes, I was so satisfied that I chose to continue working with Dedicare, and I can wholeheartedly recommend it to others seeking similar experiences.

From the Falkland Islands back to Norway — Maria’s journey continues

After this unique experience on the Falkland Islands, Maria’s journey with Dedicare continued — this time back in Norway. Now, working on various assignments across the country, she develops her expertise in her profession while carrying with her the valuable insights and experiences from one of the world’s most remote corners.

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Inspired by Maria’s journey and curious about how Dedicare can help you find your next dream job? Whether you’re seeking new challenges abroad or looking to continue your career closer to home, Dedicare offers diverse assignments for both personal and professional growth. Let Dedicare guide you to your next adventure! Contact our team here.