Heading South: A Trip to the South Atlantic with Veterinarian Paul

With a thirst for adventure, Paul made the decision to head south and work as a locum veterinarian in the Falkland Islands. Join us as Paul takes us through his remarkable journey and the experiences he gained along the way.

Paul tells: “April 1982, the Falkland Islands hit the headlines, and in the UK many, if not most people, were asking ‘Exactly where are these islands?’ I was one of those who knew their geography, having learnt about it when Brunel’s ship SS Great Britain was floated home from Stanley to her home port, Bristol, in 1970.”

Why did you choose to work in the Falklands with Dedicare?

When the opportunity arose to work as a locum veterinary surgeon it was a challenge I could not refuse. I was to work for the Falklands Islands Government, and I was soon introduced to Dedicare.

What has your experience been like working with Dedicare?

The team at Dedicare were responsible for guiding me through the numerous application forms required. At all times they have been exceptionally helpful, replying promptly to queries and aiding the less technically advanced applicant to see his way through the process. Looking back Dedicare have shown themselves to be a most professional organisation, with a clear commitment to ensuring that those working abroad are helped along the way in their application and travel and ensuring they are paid.

How was the journey to the Falklands?

Dedicare were responsible for organising the flight out, flying from RAF Brize Norton. No need to panic, it is a comfortable commercial aircraft. On the day of departure, I was collected by taxi from my home in UK and whisked to RAF Brize Norton, where I was placed in the capable hands of the aircrew. After a long journey, with a refuelling stop-over in Ascencion Island, I arrived at Mount Pleasant in the Falklands. Boarding the coach, I was taken to my house, where there was already a welcome pack of food for me. Within a few hours I was visited by Dedicare’s local representative, Claire, who has kindly helped with any issues that I may have. Next day, it was into work.

How would you describe the islands?

A most wonderful archipelago, 52 degrees South, which although windy, and at times snowy, have a beauty all of their own. The people of the island are all very welcoming, and at work nothing seems too much trouble. The islands are a wonderful mix, with numerous leisure facilities such as sports centre, swimming pool, cinema and a range of hostelries, plus of course the great outdoors to explore. From crystal clear waters and white sandy beaches to mountains with memorials to those who fought to ensure the freedom of the islands, there is just so much to explore and learn.

What about your work place?

Here in the veterinary department there is a real team spirit, and all clients have appreciated the professional services offered.

Would you recommend others follow in your footsteps and work on the Falkland Islands?

In the words of the song: Go south young man… You can never go wrong.

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